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We buy your gold

Sælg dit gamle guld til og få høje dagspriser

The price of gold has been skyrocketing in recent years
- and prices are currently at historic highs

We at will gladly buy your old gold

Sell your old gold to us and get cash now - if you buy new jewelery from us we give you 10% extra.

We have a price guarantee - and match all prices!

We are committed to recycling and sustainability and will gladly buy your old gold, gold jewelry or other real gold. We buy all kinds of gold - old gold jewelery, gold bullion, dental gold - worn as well as in good condition. We buy gold both with or without hallmarks - only requirement is that the gold can be tested or assayed. We hand over the gold for remelting, purification, so that it will later be used in the production of new jewelery.


Here are our CONTANT prices - last updated week 14, 2021. 

Please contact our customer service for today's gold price!

24 carat = 308,50 kr per gr.
18 carat = 226,25 kr per gr.
14 carat = 176,00 kr per gr.
8 carat = 96,00 kr per gr.

Silver can be bought for 3,00 kr per gr., but only if it is stamped 830, 835, 925 or three-tone (only silver is charged for steel blades, knives and candlesticks)
We charge your old gold based on today's official world market price for 24 carat fine gold. This means that our prices can vary daily and are calculated on the date of purchase.
Please contact our customer service for the current gold price, on +45 32 12 25 51 or email:

We charge ONLY for the current gold content of the jewelery and do not give anything for designs, stones or anything else that may be put in the jewelery.  

In some cases with larger diamonds we can help with contact for valuation and a buyer.
Order a paid parcel label to send with - or call and make an appointment to come by our office in Frederikssund

When you send gold to us you accept the following conditions:

  • That we will carry out a gold assay on the jewelery, making minor scratches in the gold to ascertain the gold content
  • We will remove stones, pearls and other non-gold from the jewelery before the gold is weighed for bidding
  • We only pay for the actual gold content and not for the design of the jewellery
  • That the gold is sold to us free and clear

In accordance with the Police Statutes, we are obliged to keep information in our buyers book, where all information is treated confidentially and used exclusively in connection with this trade.

Please fill in the information below in good faith - and leave a copy of the same information with the gold when you send it to us. By law, you must be at least 18 years old to sell gold.



Postcode and town:



CPR no.:

Bank details (reg. no. + account no.):

Date and signature:

Please describe how many jewels and which jewels you are sending to us - if possible, you can take a picture of the consignment before you send, so that the individual jewels can be seen.  
We only accept shipments of minimum 10 gr.

Once we have received the gold, we will contact you after 2-5 business days with a quote.

If you choose to accept our offer, we will transfer the money to your account within 1-2 business days.
If you accept our offer, the right of return is waived and the gold is melted down.

If you use the value of the gold to buy jewelery at, we will give 10% extra for the gold .

If you do NOT want to take advantage of our offer, we can choose to charge you for the assay, which is DKK 200.00 and also covers the return shipping of your gold.

When you send the gold to us, we recommend that you send the gold as a value package with PostNord and that you make sure that the package is securely closed and is taped well and has no openings. When you send the gold, you must write an estimated value on the package. You can calculate the value from the weight and the price of the carat you think the gold has.

We look forward to receiving your old gold - and giving you a good deal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email or phone +45 32 12 25 51

Best regards team

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