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Collab Cecilie Schmeichel

Love your body💗
With the collection Cecilie wants to inspire women to love themselves and their body:

"I dream that when a woman putson my earrings,they activate her self-confidence"
- Cecilie Schmeichel


Izabel Camille

x Cecilie Schmeichel collabIzabel Camille has, in collaboration with Cecilie Schmeichel, designed a collection with an important message: love your body!
The vision and message of Cecilie's jewellery is to make women love and accept their body as it is.

A tribute to the female body

"We are all different.  Our skin, shape, past and history.
Thankfully we are all different, our skin, shape and history is different and thank goodness for that. After two pregnancies, my body looks completely different. I'm full of "roadmaps", that's what I call my stretch marks and orange peel skin as they show where I've been and what I've been through.

- Cecilie Schmeichel

Organic shapes

The jewellery collection is designed with inspiration from Cecilie's own story. Cecilie comes from a sporting family with a famous surname and has unfortunately experienced bullying close to home. With the new collection Cecilie wants to focus on the importance of accepting and loving your own body, which is why the collection is characterized by organic and round shapes and surfaces.

The jewellery collection consists of earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces with pendants. All the jewellery is available in both 18kt gold plated silver and rhodium plated sterling silver.
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