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Returns and exchanges

365 days full right of return

At, we want what we deliver to our customers to be 100% satisfied. If it is not, do not worry!
When you buy something at, you always have a minimum of 365 days full exchange and return policy on all unused goods*. 
*Does not apply to personalised or customised goods. We also give refunds.

See below for an explanation of how to return to

All returns are processed within 2-5 working days

How do I exchange an item?

If you wish to exchange an item for a different size/item, please place a new order and return the incorrectly ordered item to us.  

Did you receive a gift from

If you have received a gift from, which you wish to return, the money will automatically be credited to the buyer's card.
If you wish to have the money credited to your own account, you must clearly indicate this on the return form. Remember to include your own email address so that you receive the receipt for the return.

Returning parcels from

When you receive a package from, a return slip is always enclosed.   The return slip is printed on the back of the packing slip or attached to your order separately.
You can also find the return slip here.

If you refuse to accept an order you have placed, we will deduct 75,- in return shipping costs when we return the amount to your account.  

Do you include the return label? 
No, we do not include a return label in the package, as you are responsible for the cost of returning your item. 

Always remember to send your returned goods as a parcel, as letters are not insured during dispatch and do not have a traceable tracking number.
If the letter is lost in transit, you are fully responsible for covering any loss.

How do I return an item?

If your item does not meet your expectations and you wish to return it, please complete the enclosed return form and send the package to us.
Please note the following if you want to be sure to receive a full refund:

  •  The product mustbe in its original packaging

  • The product must be in the same condition as when you received it. The goods must not have any signs of wear, stains or damage

  • If the item has special boxes, brand tags, manuals, certificates, warranties or other items, these must be returned in the same condition as received.
    It is important for the value of our goods that everything received in the shipment is returned in the same condition

When you are ready to return, please:

  • Complete and attach the enclosed return slip

  • Package the item in the original packaging as indicated above

  • Wrap the item securely. REMEMBER that the packaging must protect the item during transit and be able to withstand its safe arrival!

  • Send the package to the address below.   The package can also be delivered to our office by appointment

The parcel must be sent to our address:
GS by Houmann
Att. Return order + "your order number"
Torvet 6
3600 Frederikssund

The parcel must be sent directly to our address. Parcels sent by cash on delivery, to parcel boxes or post offices are NOT accepted

Can I drop off or pick up an item at your address?

Yes, but only by appointment. You have the option to arrange with us that you can drop off or pick up your item at our office in Frederikssund.  
Please call and make an appointment with our customer service first, so we are ready to receive you.
We are here every weekday 9-16.30. You can contact us on tel. +45 32 12 25 51 or mail:

Our address:
Torvet 6
3600 Frederikssund

Do you have any questions?

Our customer service is ready to help you every weekday from 9-17.
You can contact our customer service via chat, on email  or on tel. +45 32 12 25 51.

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