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Torben Skov beads

Torben Skov Pearls leverer flotte og unikke perler ud fra et stort kendskab til de mange forskellige typer af perler

Torben Skov Pearls is a supplier of unique pearls, and is known among jewellers and jewellery designers in Scandinavia, especially for importing Tahiti and South Sea pearls.

Torben Skov has personally visited the major pearl farms to see the range of beautiful and unique pearls on the market.  

Torben Skov Pearls always has the best and widest selection of pearls.
Read more about the different species below:

We are proud to present a selection of beads and jewellery based on beads from Torben Skov Pearls. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact our customer service.  


Torben Skov Pearls has been created because of Torben's great knowledge and interest in all types of beads. Torben shares this knowledge in a book he has written about beads, you can read it here.  

Torben Skov has also made some videos about his great interest: 

Watch a video about the production of beads here.
Visit a pearl farm here.
See and hear Torben Skov talk about beads here.  

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